Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A script to remove spaces from a file name

I face a lot of problem while dealing with files with spaces in their names on the Unix platform. I wrote a script yesterday to change the spaces in a file name to undescores.

It is very useful for changing the names of all files in a directory along with directory names.

Save the script to your home directory or to /usr/bin or some such directory,

Go to the directory in which you want to effect the name change and run
# find . -depth -exec ~/ {} \;

This will rename all files in the directory so that the spaces in filenames are changed to underscores.

The script is as follows:

# Writen by Mayuresh Phadke (mayuresh at To change the names of all files in a directory including directory names
# run the command
# find . -depth -exec ~/ {} ;
# This command is pretty useful if you have a collection of songs or pictures transferred
# from your windows machine and you are finding it difficult to handle the
# spaces in the filenames on UNIX
#set -x

progname=`basename $0`

if [ $# != 1 ]
echo "Usage: $progname \"file name with spaces\""
echo "This utility is useful for renaming files with spaces in the filename. Spaces in the filename are replaced with _"
echo "\"file name with spaces\" will be renamed to \"file_name_with_spaces\""
exit 1

dir=`dirname "$1"`
file=`basename "$1"`

new_file=`echo $file|sed "s/ /_/g"`

if [ "$old_name" != "$new_name" ]
mv "$old_name" "$new_name"

exit 0

Please let me know if you find this useful/useless or if you have any other comments about it.

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