Here is a simple bookmarklet to search the Django documentation. To use it, simply drag this bookmark - Search Django Docs- to your browser's toolbar.
Click on the bookmark, enter a search term and you will be taken to the Django documentation search page with search results for your search term.
Disclaimer / Terms of Use
Obviously, this is not an official Django Search bookmarklet. I had created it for my own use and sharing it with you. The search bar bookmarklet is totally innocuous, but nevertheless by installing it you agree I am not liable for anything, period, the end.
Inspired by the Prototype API Search bookmarklet from
p=prompt('Search Django Documentation');
if(p) {
p=p.replace(/\./g, '/');
// Location is the search query appended to the Django custom search URL
loc=''+p.toLowerCase();; // Open in new window
return false; // Inform the browser that the action of opening a URL, should not evaluate